1. What is the sociology of internet?
The sociology of the Internet is the application of sociological theory and method of the Internet as a source of information and communication.
2. What are the main forms of the new technology?
Sociologists and are concerned with the social implications of the technology; new social networds, virtual communicaties and ways of interaction that have arisen, as well as issues related to cyber crime.
3. How can internet be studied by sociologist?
The internet of nterest for sociologists in various ways: as a tool for research. Online communicaties can be studied stastically through network analisis and the same time interpreted qualitively, such as through virtual ethnography. Social change can be studied through statiscal demographics or through the interpretation of changing messages and symbols in online media studies.
4. is a social change taking place in our society? The tegnology in society affects way too, and still continues to do so. The tegnology not stop moving forward and we must move with it, as people complete generations is easy to adapt to these situations, but for example for my grandparents was very difficult to learn to handle a cell phone, which was not very difficult to my view, because I had many applications as they have the last cell now that many phones have whatsapp, internet, line, facebook, twitter, outlook, gmail, gps, and many other applications. That's why for old generacions, or for those who are not accustomed to using social media, is dificl adapt. But affect lot, so it's good get started to learn more about these.
5. What are the cyber crimes?
I do not agree with this computer crimes because they do not seem very good, because if one steals one account to another person, the victim's then because one can insult you think problems without the person knowing. I do not mean just a porblemas between people, but also a hackeador I can rob a bank product or a company, which this crime is worse than stealing a twitter account for example.
Examples of crime;
Handling data entry, manipulation programs, data manipulation output to copyright infringement database, "Fishing" or "sniffing" secret key, electronic scams, espionage, terrorism, child pornography, drug trafficking.